Ciencies i tecnologia dels aliments ub

Tfg farmacia ub

Gerrit Bredeck, Luo Zhongrui y Anna Laromaine participaron en el taller «Desarrollo, biología celular y expresión génica de C. elegans» organizado por la EMBO. Gerrit y Luo presentaron carteles sobre sus investigaciones.

Algunos de los investigadores más experimentados y reconocidos en este campo, como el Dr. Manel Esteller (Epigenética del Cáncer, Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Bellvitge – IDIBELL), el Dr. Antoni Trilla (Epidemiólogo, Hospital Clínico, ISGlobal), y el Dr. Patrick Aloy (Bioinformática Estructural y Biología de Redes, Instituto de Investigación Biomédica – IRB), darán Conferencias Invitadas en el simposio.

El objetivo del taller es ampliar y difundir los conocimientos teóricos y prácticos sobre los métodos innovadores para la detección rápida, la enumeración, el aislamiento y la caracterización de los microorganismos transmitidos por los alimentos y el agua y sus productos.

Anna May e Irene Anton han asistido al Campus Gutenberg de comunicación y cultura científica durante los días 12 y 13 de septiembre, en la Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) – Campus Mar y en el Parque de Investigación Biomédica de Barcelona (PRBB).

  Expedición culinaria alimentos de la tierra

Master ub pharmacy

In previous editions we have had about 80-100 attendees from companies and cooperatives, universities, research centers and inspection and control bodies, so the workshop has also been a space for meeting and getting to know each other.

On May 29, 2019, the fourth edition of the UB Workshop on Olive Oil will be held at the Food Campus of Torribera of the University of Barcelona (Santa Coloma de Gramenet).

The main objective of these periodic workshops is to bring together the olive oil sector, researchers and regulatory bodies, inspection and control of olive oil involved in this subject.

The workshop program includes several tools that are currently being developed to detect different types of fraud.    It will also address the limitations of existing control strategies and will be a meeting point to share analytical strategies that are currently under development and discuss at a round table the advantages and limitations that can be foreseen.

  Lista de alimentos con carbohidratos pdf

Pharmacy ub departaments

Thanks to all the experiences and knowledge that you will live throughout the Degree, you will be able to understand and view the culinary and gastronomic phenomenon from a scientific, technological, social, cultural and business management perspective. Your future starts now!

Imagine joining a new generation of professionals who are rethinking today’s culinary challenges. In the words of Joan Roca: «(…) The reason for this Degree is to get cooks who are better trained than us and who can continue with the work done, acquiring new knowledge».

With the Degree in Culinary and Gastronomic Sciences you will be recognized for your ability to manage and direct operations and processes in the food industry, collectivities and haute cuisine. Become a driving force for change in the field of Gastronomy and culinary sciences!

  Recomendaciones para la alimentación en la primera infancia

In the Interuniversity Degree in Culinary and Gastronomic Sciences the learning processes are oriented towards the development of competencies, based on experience, personalization and specialization, with the implementation of active methodologies.

Secretaria campus torribera ub

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